Saturday 5 April 2014

100 Posts GIVEAWAY

Oh my, 100 posts already.  When I started blogging 100 posts seemed so unattainable.  Wow, it's really not.  If you are thinking of starting a blog, just do it.  Some weeks you'll have absolutely nothing to say, some weeks you'll think no one else will care about what you have to say and other weeks you can't shut up.  I think that's the nature of blogging and all I can say is go with the flow.........

So 100 posts- do you want to enter a give away?  Now, I suspect that I only have about 5 people who regularly read my posts so your chance of winning is pretty high!!!!!!!!

So what can you win????????  I am thinking something handmade, something pretty, something cute, something edible?

So my second dishcloth (trust me you wouldn't want the first one!!!), a CK spotty lanyard (you can't have a giveaway without some CK), a cowboy topped pencil (did I tell you I love spots?), some cute stickers cause they have eggs on and some cute Easter chocolate babbits (cause Anni loves her Babbit!).

All you have to do is leave a comment on this post by 9pm (my time) on Thursday 11th April, so I can get it to you before Easter (Post Office permitting).  The lucky winner will be picked from a hat - or alternative container, unless I suddenly attract a gazillion entries then I'll have to ask hubby to sort me out a random number picker thingy from t'internet.


Go on, give it a go and you may win some pretties.


  1. You could always save the postage and give 'em to me :)

  2. Congratulations on getting to 100 posts already. I'd love to enter the giveaway please.

  3. Amanda Jeffery7 April 2014 at 07:41

    Congratulations honey! Your updates always make me smile...and I've learned something new today as I never before knew I could click on the words and it would allow me to comment! Ooops - must get with it... x
