Thursday 30 July 2015

A new plan for August

So many of the blogs that I follow and love post loads of photos.  LOADS OF PHOTOS.  I find that even if I do have my camera with me, I either leave it in my bag, or get home and can't find the lead to download the photos so I don't bother.

BUT I have read somewhere that to create a new habit you have to do something for 30 days and then it will be more natural and be a new habit.  So in August, I am going to blog with photos (go me!).  Now I suspect that it won't happen - no, I am not being a defeatist, but I know how I am.  However, I also know that usually I don't do new things - I assume I can't do it so don't even try.  That is the part of me I want to shake up.  I want a blog with more photos and more chatty (as I am in real life) and hope that by doing an August challenge it will blow away the cobwebs and give me a new habit of taking photos.

I do tend to think I do the same things over and over and over and over so instead of boring photos I thought I'd ask for things to take photos of - keep them clean, my Mum reads this blog :-) and I live in the middle of the UK (with no transport).  So what do you want to see?

In no particular order I have so far come up with;

  • Baking
  • Crochet
  • Anni (obvs!)
  • Days out (must come up with some!)

I need more ideas - do you have any????


  1. In order to make things change you definitely have to form new habits, so I hope that this change will become a great new habit for you! xx

    1. I took my phone out with me today when walking Anni, but the battery ran out after about 5 photos!! But still it'll cover one day in August :-)

  2. Something of interest in your local town, stationery, a new outfit?
    Have you thought about a photo challenge, these are great for making you think
    Good luck!
    Lisa x

    1. Stationery - drool. A new outfit - i HATE clothes shopping so I doubt that one will happen Lisa. I will take a look at the link and see if it helps. Thank you. x

  3. Have a red day. For one day record everything red you see and show us.

    Or pick your favourite mug and take it on a tour around your garden or house, hiding it so we have to find it in the photos.

    Or photograph your shoes. I'm fascinated by shoes, and love seeing the styles that other people wear!

    1. You so wouldn't want to see my shoes :-) but i like your idea of picking a colour. Thanks for the fab ideas Jo. x
