Sunday 13 September 2015

Winner, winner, chicken dinner

Apologies for the slow response but I've had a hectic few days so am running behind plans a little.

Thank you for those people who commented on my blog post celebrating my 2 year bloggerversary.  Special mention to my Mum, whose comment didn't show as she didn't know how to do it properly, I'll show you next time :-)

Drum roll please............................................

The winner is Angel Jem.  I will see if I can fit your message onto the notebook this week and then get everything in the post to you.  I will let you know if the word beautiful won't fit (I think we maybe ok if it's not in a straight line - or will that drive you crazy?).  I'll be in touch soon when I've tried it out.

PS Anyone know where the phrase "Winner, winner, chicken dinner" comes from?


  1. Well done to Angel Gem, hope we get to see the end result too!
    Lisa x

    1. I've hand cut the letters out but not sure they will fit - will hopefully find out after the EA visits tomorrow.
