Monday 30 March 2015

Menu Planning Monday

Last week's menu went to pot.  With a sick person in the house we/I ate whatever I could grab in the time I had before the sick person needed me again.

H is now feeling much better.  He is tired, but that's cause he was ill for over a week and his MS needs time to recuperate.  He has also stopped the new medication and starts injecting the old medication tonight.

So I am tired (somewhat) and my shopping is not being delivered until Friday but I have plans in place from Friday, so just have to make up a few nights and we'll be done.  I am actually looking forward to cooking - not sure how long that'll last :-)

Monday:- Steak Pie and Mash Potato (on H's request!)  I think Pie needs to be sweet...........
Tuesday:- Fish Cakes and Salad
Wednesday:- Surprise
Thursday:- Fridge Surprise!!!!
Friday:- Chicken in Oyster Sauce with noodles and prawn crackers
Saturday:- Lasagna, garlic bread and pudding.  I have Mum and Dad coming for tea (re-arranged from last week), so looking forward to that.

Linking in with Mrs M

Friday 27 March 2015

and breathe

We tried and tried and tried and have had to admit defeat.  I haven't been up to blogging this week, just too tired to think straight.  If you are squeamish, don't read on - I have done my best to be general and not give details :-)

H had his medication changed for his MS a few weeks ago.  The new medication was meant to give him a 50% improvement in his life and it meant no more injections so he was eager to do it.  All was going well until day 14 when it all started to go horrendously wrong.  He came home from work early with "side effects" (much nicer than reality).  These "side effects" were joined with sickness which happened every time he ate.  When he was tired, his legs stopped working so he had to sleep on the floor for a few hours until he had enough energy to help me get him up.  I did not sleep for 2 nights.  He kept going until Thursday morning.

Eventually we spoke to the MS Nurse (who is a god send) and with the specialists agreement it has been decided that he is better going back onto the injections.  Apparently he is the only one so far who can't tolerate the new medications -he always was awkward.

Then on Thursday night Anni started to limp rather badly. I was so worried.  Then suspicious.  We couldn't agree which leg she was limping on - until we discovered that she forgot to do it if no was was watching or if she had food or toys in front of her.  The little Grrrrrr had decided that she didn't like H getting all the attention so was putting it on.

So this week I have discovered that my needs are below H's and the dogs.....................  what have you discovered this week???????

Want to know a little more about how MS effects your energy levels?  There is a great explanation here  The Spoon Theory

Monday 23 March 2015

Menu Planning Monday

Without going into details (as this is a food post) this weekend has not been a good one.  H has started new medication for his MS and the side effects arrived in full force on Friday afternoon.  He managed just under 2 weeks with only slight flushing and then it went wrong.  I think partly this is because he got blasé about how much he was eating - he needs to eat a lot with this medication.

So I have to put great thought into this menu - I need to get the right mix of protein, carbs and fat and since I am not a foodie, I have found it very difficult.  It also has to be easy as I am not a very confident cook :-)

Linking in with Mrs M .

Monday:- Chicken Fried Rice with Prawn Crackers
Tuesday:- Sausages & Mash with Yorkies
Wednesday:- Pasta Bol with garlic bread
Thursday:- Pizza Pita with Salad
Friday:- Fish Finger and Chips
Saturday:- Chicken in Oyster Sauce with noodles
Sunday:- Surprise

Let's hope I have got it right this time and I can then work on expanding my go to recipes.

Thursday 12 March 2015

Brick Lane

I have had the book "Brick Lane" for many years now and it has stayed on my bookshelf looking at me ever since.  In fact I'd say I may have had it for nearly 10 years (it was published in 2003).

I am enjoying it, but I find it slow going.  If I love a book I can devour it in one sitting and I have been reading this for over a week now and when I pick it up it's ok - I just don't keep picking it up.  I find this weird, as I do love to read.  I hate when it feels like a book has beaten me - cause I don't just love it.  If I am being honest, I am already skimming it so I can feel like I have read it, without spending the rest of my life trying to get through it!

Have you read it?

What is your favourite read recently?

PS I have started my pile of books to take on holiday.  When we book a holiday I start to hit the charity shops to choose books to take with me.  As we are largely inactive due to H's MS, I lie by the pool with a good book each day.  Then when he has a siesta, I read more of the book.  I have been known to read up to 20 books in 2 weeks.  This year, I have 8 put aside and I hope it'll be enough.  (I also plan to crochet.)  My Mum is already planning on borrowing some before we go - she hates to miss out!!!   Hopefully I'll have time at the airport to buy 2 more - I don't often buy new books so it feels a real treat to do so at the airport.  

Tuesday 10 March 2015


My Mum and I had a lovely day out today.  We can catch the same bus (from different stops) and easily pop into Huddersfield. I do like Huddersfield, I love the old buildings and the little shops.

I have been meaning to visit a shopping arcade for months, in fact if I am honest, probably years.
On the way into town, I think I must pop in for a nosey, then on the bus home, I think, bugger I didn't go in. Today, as soon as we got off the bus, I dragged my Mum to the arcade.  I do owe her an apology as I was certain I had been there before with her (about 10 years ago), but I think I may have gone with H!

Can you see the coloured shapes hanging from the ceiling (photo taken from 2nd floor)? Can you tell what they are?

There must be hundreds of them.  The colours hit you as you walk in.

Little origami birds or every colour imaginable hanging there softly swaying in the breeze.

Looking up there is a gorgeous glass ceiling.  I can't wait to go back when the weather has warmed up and we can see it in all it's glory.

The arcade contains various shops including a lovely little handmade emporium crafty praxis, a wool shop (2nd floor), tattoo parlour (2nd floor) and a lovely looking little cafe - next time I hope to start there with a hot chocolate.

After lunch, I happened to glance up - just look at that gorgeous sky.  I finally believe Spring is just around the corner and it will warm up soon.  Hooray.

Have you discovered anywhere new recently?

Monday 9 March 2015

Menu Panning Monday

I've really struggled this week to come up with the menu.  I think I am getting stuck with the same things time after time.  I also made the mistake of putting in a Morrison's online shop without planning my menu.  Lesson learnt - menu first then shop!

Monday:- Mince and Mashed Potato (I've been trying to make this for H for 18 years - his Mum made this all the time.  Tonight I finally got it right!)

Tuesday:-  Pizza Pita with Salad - I'm making these weekly at the moment but we both love them.

Wednesday:- Cheesy Jackets with Salad - I am hoping that we are finally out of winter and Salads will be on the menu more often.

Thursday:- Fish & Chips - from the freezer- think will make my own fish bites soon.

Friday:-  A friend for lunch, so unsure of tea yet.

Sat:- Chicken Curry - H's request for the week.

Sunday:- Mother's Day - so a roast and all the trimmings for H's Mum and Dad.  Mine are coming down at the end of the month so I will make something special then.

Linking up with Mrs M

Sunday 8 March 2015

Being Thankful

I thought I'd change my regular Sunday post (there are only so many times that walking the dog, meeting a friend can make me happy).  I was thinking this over in my head last night and was eager to get writing, then we had a bad night and I've had a little cry and I wasn't going to bother.

BUT we all have bumps in the road and if I wasn't so tired with so much to get on with then I probably wouldn't even have had a cry, so I am trying to get back on track.

I am THANKFUL for my parents, supporting us as much as they do.  They drive me places when I need to go somewhere, they go with me if I don't want to do it by myself and they come and walk Anni with me so I get some company each week - though I suspect they'd do the latter anyway as they love Anni and love giving her back when she's all wet and muddy!!!!

I am THANKFUL that my Mum is still with us and we like spending time together.  A few years ago you would never have read that here, but times change and events change us and thankfully we came out as friends.

I am THANKFUL that I have Anni B.  She keeps me sane on a bad day and makes me laugh on a good day.  I swear she has a human brain in her head, at least she seems to when there is food about.

I am THANKFUL for my friends, they let me deal with H's MS (which can make me so unsociable), they drag me out when I'd otherwise stay home.  It doesn't matter if I see them every week, month or year.  They are still there.

I am THANKFUL that I have my crafts.  I think crochet has kept me sane.  When H is asleep at 8pm and I am sat alone with Anni curled up, I can crochet away and not feel too lonely.  Well, until she decides I've done enough and wants to put her head on my knee.............

I am THANKFUL that I love books.  I'd hate not to be able to read for any reason.  I can go to a charity shop and buy a book and I am happy.

and lastly, I am THANKFUL for my Hubby.  We may have an uncertain future with his MS (and I have to learn not to worry so much) but we have each other, a great sense of humour (and yes we need it), and love for each other.  I wouldn't swop you for the world- well I may hesitate if George Clooney arrives with a huge bag of chocolate oranges - but you'd understand that, wouldn't you?

Friday 6 March 2015


Do you take selfies?  I have had to try and get used to taking them as H, although he has longer arms, can't feel the button enough to press it.  It takes many goes to get the angle right, especially since he is usually sat down and I am stood up.  I am getting it down to about 3 bad ones before we get one that we are both happy with, and more importantly both are on.

Last week, I met my friend A.  We don't meet very often, but we do have a real good catch up when we do.  However, we don't think to take a photo until we've had a glass or two.  The photo below is attempt number 2 on my phone (I have no idea how many we tried on her phone first!)

and the best attempt  I have???

Well at least we are both on it!

Wednesday 4 March 2015

New Beginnings

Well the time has come.  Hubby has FINALLY got a delivery date for his new meds.  We have waited a long time to get approved for these meds, and it's taken over a month for the paperwork to be done so we should get a delivery on Friday.  Now, there are a lot of potential side effects for H but we hope, we so hope that the benefits will far outweigh them.  These meds have a 50% chance of modifying the lesions in his brain and spine, shrinking them which is turn improves his general health and makes the chances of a relapse so much smaller.

When you live with MS, you have a constant worry that something will go wrong.  A leg will grow wobbly and he'll fall over, his fatigue will mean he's not capable of driving to work, he'll grow wobbly at the top of the stairs, that he is so tired he is incapable of making a simple decision.  I find it exhausting to always be on the go to make the choices to keep things safe for him.  So I am so hopeful that it will take away some of my worry so that I can focus on myself a little - that'd be so good!!

On another note, I walked Anni in the woods today and it was actually sunny and not so cold (well when I was hiding in a hollow!)  She does love to chase sticks - where do dogs get that from?  We never gave her sticks as a puppy, yet when she grew up a little she started to search them out.

C'mon throw me more sticks, I need sticks.

I love the old trees, all those odd limbs, reaching for the skies.

Monday 2 March 2015

Menu Planning Monday

I have a newly stocked freezer - well mostly and a new spring in my step for menu planning.  I can do anything except toast, as the toaster had flames coming out of it on Saturday.  It was pretty impressive I have to say.

Monday:- Bacon & Cheese Pasta Bake
Tuesday :- I can't think of anything - will keep an eye out when out and about tomorrow!
Wednesday :- Pie!!  Homemade & to be decided (H always wants pie - I may surprise him and make apple!!!!)
Thursday :- Pizza Pitas and chips
Friday :- Chicken Curry
Saturday :- Surprise
Sunday :- Left overs

I have definitely decided that I want to leave Saturdays as free choice.  Then if we want to we can takeaway, or I can decided on the day what to have.  I didn't like not having any free choice within the week.

Linking up with Mrs M At Home with Mrs M

Sunday 1 March 2015

Making me HAPPY this week

Is it Spring yet?  In my heart, I know we haven't had a hard Winter but boy am I so sick of it now!

Making me happy this week;

1) Meeting A on Friday for a late lunch, we had nice food, a lovely bottle of wine (or 2) and we had a fab catch up.   We don't see each other very often so make the most of it when we do.  Thanks A - you rock!!!!

2) Re-stocking the freezer  - god, I need to get out more :-)  But still it was enough to make my heart sing.  I love having decent food to prepare for H.  Me, I'd happily live on chocolate and Haribo, but I do cook most nights these days.

You know the rest are the same as usual, spending time with Anni B, getting out and about, helping in the Wool Shop.

This week has been interesting, fun and worrying all at the same time.  The worrying is not about me, but a friend and the story is not mine to share.  But I hate feeling so helpless and unable to do anything.  Life stinks sometimes and is so unfair - Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.