Saturday 27 February 2016

Sucks, sucks and sucks

I have been desperately wanting to blog but first my head wasn't in the right place and then I had to make sure that friends who read this blog were told before I published here.

So the news about Mum isn't good.  She has stage 4 cancer (the worst) in her liver and the little bugger has gotten into both lungs.  We've been told that the Dr's can only manage it and can't get rid of it.  She started Chemo today, to give her as much time as possible.  She is not ready to give in and I am not ready for her to give in.  We had a date to go wig shopping - I am trying to convince her that this is her chance of going for a Mohican but I am not so sure that she is buying my reasoning..... just think of the smiles she'd spread with her when she goes for more chemo.

We all went out for a lovely meal last week and then Sunday lunch at Mum's this past Sunday.  H struggles to visit most houses- steps to get in, laminate floors to slip on, no downstairs loo etc and he did look tired, but with a 2 hour sleep he managed to stay til after tea.  Anni had a sleep over with Grandma and Grandad but H and I kept looking for her when we got home.  It's odd but when you have a dog you do get into your habits and just cause she's elsewhere doesn't mean you remember to change your habits.  H got up in the morning to let her out.... D'oh.  Mind I asked an invisible Anni if she wanted to go out before I went to bed.........

The House move is still on and no idea when we'll actually move.  Our sellers were asked a list of questions on 5th Feb and my Solicitor received answers late yesterday.  I am still waiting for news.  How long do these things take?  There must be a better way forward.  I think we have been held up as the seller can't find paperwork for the sunroom (AKA converted garage).  We suspect there isn't any but rather than admit it, she's been avoiding the issue completely.  I am hopeful we are nearly there now and we may be able to agree a date next week.

We do have news on the ill health retirement application - kind of.  The Occupational Health department rang today and have all the paperwork they need to complete the paperwork.  We may hear something soon.

So lots of nothing and sadness.

We've also had some happiness.  Friends we met on holiday years ago, have sent flowers, chocolate and hand knitted cowls.  They are also going to come up when we move to get stuck in the unpacking and helping us settle.  I am so pleased about this, as I was planning on leaving things in boxes as much as possible whilst we can clean the place from top to bottom.  I have chosen the wallpaper for the bedroom (the grottiest room) and the craft room (small room upstairs) so we'll at least 2 nice spaces to live in.

and at least someone is settled!!!!!!

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Pulling my Big Girls Pants Up

So I still think life sucks, but I can either wallow (and I did on Sunday, I stayed in my PJ's ALL day.  Bliss), or pull up my big girl pants and get on with.

I decided 1 day of wallowing was ok and actually healthy for me but no more.  Well actually I loved being in my PJ's, a long soak in a bubble bath (whilst I still have one) and fresh PJ's.  Yes please, bring on this Sunday :-)

On Monday, I finally remembered to do what I have been meaning to do since the start of the year.  Our little, local Asda has a collecting basket for the local foodbank.  H and I have agreed to donate 1 thing  a week to the collection.  So on Monday, I finally got round to adding 5 things to the basket.  It did feel good thinking of someone else.

Mum's biopsy on Monday went ok.  They were running late, so she didn't get home til after 10.30pm but she's feeling okay now.  Indeed, we went out for a lovely lunch today.

In house news, we've agreed a lower price on our house and the sale is still on.  No news on a completion date -how long do these things take?????  Should I be packing yet for this unknown date? I feel my lack of packing may bite me :-)