Thursday 3 September 2015

Happy 2nd Blogerversary

It's been 2 years since I started this little blog of mine.  2 whole years.  Wow.  Where has the time gone.  2 years ago I could never imagine where I would be today.  There have been hard times and you know what there have been good times too.

I am in a pretty good place at the moment.  It may not be the place that I wanted to be in, and it might not be one I would have chosen but it is here and it is now and it is pretty good.

So to celebrate I am having a giveaway on this little old blog.  Any excuse to share a little happy mail out there.  I love happy mail and I hope you do too.  Want to see what I have collected for you???  All the gifts are to show you a little of what makes me tick.

A new notebook - you can choose what you want spelling out on the front - within reason.  Please see star baker for an example.

You have to have chocolate and I have to say I am not a fussy girl when it comes to choccie.  Make it chocolate and I am happy.

Fabric gift tape - covered in little pink flowers.

There will also be a set of 6 handmade notecards and 6 second class stamps so you can keep in touch with people you love (not pictured as not made yet!).  There may also be one or two little surprises to look forward to.

All you have to do to win is to leave a comment telling me what you'd like on the front of the notebook if you win.  I'll pick a winner on Thursday 10th September at noon (uk time).


  1. Oh what lovely things.
    Each year I keep a notebook in my handbag of all the Christmas gifts I buy helping me keep track of the things I have and the things still to get, something along the lines of Christmas Gifts would be just fab if I was the lucky winner.
    Lisa x

    1. Chances looking good Lisa!!!! thank you for your comment. Must take better photos this weekend perhaps - and of the notecards when finished.

  2. Happy Blogaversary Sally!!!! I hope that you will enjoy many more happy years of blogging!!! xx I hope you get some more entrants for your giveaway too! xx

    1. Thanks Amy, as long as there is 1 (phew) someone will be happy :-)

  3. Congratulations on your blog anniversary, you started blogging on my 45th birthday. I do love a notebook, I think 'notes' would be as good as anything spelt out on the front.

    1. Thank you Jo. I do love blogging, I have slowed down a little lately which doesn't make me happy so I must pull my finger out.

  4. Life is Beautiful.

    That's what I'd have, because even when everything is wrong there is still so much beauty in the world.

    1. I like that Angel Jem (I feel a little weird using than name as I know your real name!!!). If you win, I hope it'll fit!!!! :-)
