Tuesday 30 December 2014



My mantra for 2015 

You know, I feel that 2014 hasn't been a great year for us.  There has been bad health for H, I have really struggled with his MS - which is ironic as he's now had it for 10 years and this is the year that I have grieved for what we have lost and for what we will never have.  I can honestly say that the first 8 months of this year are the worst I have ever gone through and have tested me to my limit.  Then a friend's husband has just been diagnosed with a terminal illness which has one again shown me how precious life is.

Anyway, I am determined not to hit 2015 with the same attitude that i have struggled with this year.  Life is what you make it and I am determined to make it a good one.  I am thankful for what we have and can appreciate the little things that we forget each day.

So in 2015 I want to share some of this good feeling.  I am willing to send someone a random act of kindness (RAOK).  There is a catch though - isn't there always?

If you want to participate in my RAOK then all I ask is that you share the love and pass one on yourself.

So my rules:  I will send a RAOK to everyone who says yes (in a comment, or via email).  It may be handmade, it may be bought.  I will not be doing this immediately (definitely in the handmade category!!!), it is to be a surprise at some point in 2015.  So you have an unexpected package in the mail.  All I ask is that you take the time to pass it on.

Want to join in ?????????

(Please don't let me a Billy No Mates )


  1. I'd love to join in, especially as there isn't a time limit on it, it's something I can get round to eventually. Wishing you and yours all the very best for 2015, hope it's a great year for us all.

  2. Fab, so glad you want to join in Jo - I was kinda hoping you would want to :-). I think I have your address on an email, so I will check before asking again. Then watch your post - at some point you will receive a surprise through the post. 2015 is going to be a great year - I can feel it. x

  3. I'd like to join in :) I've a feeling 2015's gonna be a great year for us xx

    1. Hi Yorkshire Runner Girl you are in. I have your address!

  4. Choose Happy. I say so! It's what I tell the children I mentor at school; that the circumstances of their life are beyond their control but that they can choose to meet them with a smile or a scowl. It's a hard lesson but a goody.
    Please may I graciously accept your RAOK? I have literally just found you through a comment you left on somebody else's blog?

    1. Hi Angel Jem, Nice to see you. Welcome to the RAOK. Can you please email me your postal address to sally@davensally.co.uk Then I won't spoil a surprise by asking for your address when I am ready.

  5. BTW, is your blog not available to follow on bloglovin? I'd really like to follow you somehow?

    1. Erm, I am not too sure. I think you can follow me on my sidebar (on the right and up a bit) either by clicking on follow or via email. I am not too hot on all the different platforms so not sure about bloglovin. If I find out I'll let you know.
