Wednesday 10 December 2014

A new job?

I'm a big fan of trying to shop local.  I use my local Post Office, Hair dressers, charity shop and more recently the wool shop.

Tomorrow I am helping out in the wool shop and I am part excited and part terrified!  I am only helping out as and when she needs someone to cover for her, but due to illness it might be a little more in the new year.

Is it normal to worry about all the small things - how to use the till, not selling things for the wrong price?????

I am hoping it will help re-build my confidence in myself and help out someone who needs a hand for the near future.  Maybe I'll even get a discount on my wool :-)


  1. That sounds to me like a dream job. Try not to worry about the little things, you can't be expected to know everything on your first day, that will come in time, just enjoy yourself surrounded by all that colourful squishiness.

  2. I only bought one ball of wool too :-) I am just helping out a friend in need but it feels nice to be able to do so. Only 1 small problem and I think the customer will be told off next time the Owner sees her :-)
