Wednesday 26 November 2014

Advent time again

Can you believe that it almost December?  My heart skips a beat whenever I think about it.  I have so much still to make and lie in bed worrying about getting it all finished.  Of course, it will either get finished or I will buy a last minute present and all will be well.  I think I will feel better when I sit down with a list and figure out what it left to do.

You may remember (if you've been reading me for a while - or hello to any newbies), that every year I make up advent boxes for some friends.  Throughout the year, I buy little bits, make things, last minute panic buying until I have 24 gifts for each person.  Every year, I swear I won't do it again, but the 4 people who receive the gifts tell me how happy it makes them, knowing that someone has thought about them and their likes and have a little bit of love waiting for them each day, so I know I'll do again next year :-)

The bit that really gets to me is all the blooming wrapping.  Just finished number 3 and boy have I had enough............. and I still have 1  left to do!

At least I have Anni B to keep me and H happy.


  1. That's a wonderful idea. The recipients must be thrilled having a gift to open each day, I know I would be. I'm nowhere near ready for Christmas yet, I've hardly done any shopping. I really need to sit down and make some lists.

  2. I was in Leeds today Jo and it was awful. I think the rest of my shopping will be done online!!!!
