Wednesday 20 November 2013

Another walk and more trees!

Am sat on the sofa with the dog gently loudly snoring away next to me.  I am hoping that by  the time I finish this post I will be tired enough to go to sleep.  Not sure Anni will be as happy to be kicked off of the sofa but we'll see what I finish this.

Another walk in our local woods today, a bright blue sky, frosty grass in the fields and gorgeous leaves all over the floor just begging for more photos to be taken.

The woods are now very muddy.  The paths dry out pretty quickly but there are patches of very muddy areas and Anni knows where EVERY single patch of mud is located as she's been in them all.  On Sunday she even decided to shove her head into as many as she could.  She does love the dirt my dog!!!

Muddy Face!

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