Sunday, 15 February 2015

Making me HAPPY this week

Hello,  What a difference a week makes.  It is so lovely to feel human all week and actually start looking forward to things.

Making me happy this week;

1) Baking.  I made H a heart shaped cake for Valentine's Day yesterday.  No photo as I ran out of icing so it looked a bit daft.  He wasn't bothered as all he cares about is that it tastes good.

2) Anni B.  Yesterday it wasn't enough that she was sat next to H watching a film, she had to be nearer..... want to see?  It's a first that she was on a knee.  H reckons as she grows older she'll grow more touchy feely.

3) Pink Champagne.  Can you beat this?  Now don't get me wrong it's not something we have often.  This was from NYE when we weren't in the mood but it went well with the Chinese we had yesterday.

4) Working in the local wool shop.  I have really enjoyed helping in the shop this past week.  Well I didn't enjoy Monday as I didn't feel well and I only had one customer.  Friday was much more fun, I had loads of customers and it felt really nice knowing I was helping a friend.

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