Friday 22 August 2014

True Friendship

A long time ago, I was told that a sign of true friendship was that you may not meet for years but when you do it will be like you last saw each other yesterday.  This has been tested and has proved to be true (or not) in each case.

On Monday, I met such a friend.  We have known each other since we were 5/6.  We lost touch as teenagers and then when she moved back to Bradford (and on again) we got in touch and keep in touch.  Now, I am not the best at keeping in touch.  I find it difficult to balance my life caring for H and my life as me.  I struggle to take the time to maintain friendships as I feel guilty if I am not helping H.  This is something I am working on, allowing myself the time to have fun with friends.  Now L and I are friends but we haven't met up in such a long time that I can't actually remember when we met up.  If you'd have seen us on Monday you'd have thought we'd last met up last week.  We sat for an hour and a half catching up over coffee and a sandwich.  We even made loose plans to go to York in October to go to the Chocolate Story, and to arrange a monthly lunch and a 2 monthly sleep over (involving wine, I suspect!).

My fav photo of L (let me know if you don't like it L and I'll take it down), taken at our local when she used to live near by.  We were sat there with H and it was just a fabulous night.

Then on Tuesday I went shopping with my Mum whilst Anni spent time with my Dad - win-win situation!!!!  Mum and I went into Huddersfield to collect my Birthday present which broke on holiday and needed to be replaced.  We then stopped in a lovely little cafe for lunch and shared a bottle of wine.  We were sat there for nearly 2 hours.  The only criticism was we shared a bowl of chips, now if you give small portions you shouldn't put it in a soup bowl...................

Cheers Mum.

My Birthday present from L included a new baking tray from Lakeland and other baking bits - did you guess I love to bake?  Today I tried out the tray and made biscuits with a raspberry flavoured icing - I wonder if it's set yet.  How many biscuits can I eat before I am a pig......... don't answer that one.

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