Wednesday, 25 June 2014


To do or not to do.

I started knitting a blanket when it was colder.  I intended to knit whilst it was cool and then put it away and start again when it gets cool again.  It's going to be single bed sized for a little boy, for Christmas.  The only problem is that I put it down whilst it was still cool and have since picked it up again.  Only problem it is no longer cool.  My knitting time is usually after tea when we are watching something on the tv and boy do I get hot.

Now I fully realise this is the point where I should be putting it down  and working on something else.  I know this, truly I do.  But I just want to get the main bit knitted, then I will be happy to put it aside and work on the borders to be added later.  I think!

ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH.  What do you knit when it gets warm?

I think my dilemma will be helped when I learn to crochet more, so I can attempt new things - I hope!!!!!

Blanket so far below.  I was asked for yellow and green.  It the photo it looks more blue.  I intend to border it in a spring green colour so I hope I have enough of the 2 colours of L's room.

Will I ever learn to  do the ends whilst I go?


  1. I'm still plodding on with Eleanor's ripple blanket, even though it's warm, but in between, I'm knitting socks. I know, socks in summer, but hopefully, I'll have a lovely new pile ready to wear when winter comes around again. They're a good project for summer as they're small, and portable. Other than that, I'm knitting hats for the Innocent Big Knit, and dishcloths are always good, better than you can buy.

    p.s Can't wait to read about Wicked when you've seen it, you're going to love it.

  2. I'd love to try a pair of socks, they are on my list of things to learn to knit. Might be a little in the future though! I picked up my Wicked ticket last night - getting closer!!!!
