Saturday 10 May 2014

Conquering your Fears!!!!!!

If you follow my blog (hello to all 7 of you - hope you are still enjoying my ramblings),  you will know that I have a fear of trying new things.  Easier not to try, then to fail.  Anyway, I am now trying to change my entire attitude.

Nervous of pushing a wheelie round New York - not anymore.  It nearly killed me, but I did it!
Nervous of trying new recipes - nope.  If it goes wrong, and if even Anni turns up her nose (not happened yet), we'll order pizza.
Nervous of trying a new hobby - NOT ANYMORE.  Look what I managed to do yesterday,

 Trebles??  I need to work on my tension.  I started way too tightly and then went the other way.  Still I like to make things harder for myself!!!!

Gill - I finished my first ever Granny Square (happy smile on my face).

I hope that with practise I will be as confident with crochet as I am with knitting (even if I am still on basic stitches - it's enough to make me happy).

My bigger goal is to manage one of these at Attic 24  I love Lucy's work and one day hope I can manage to crochet such gorgeous work.  If you love to crochet, check out Lucy's work, though I suspect you may already be an avid follower.


  1. I can't begin to tell you how pleased I am for you and how proud I am of you! Now you've mastered the Granny, there are oodles of things you can make, and just changing your colour combinations will give you lots of variety.
    Hurrah for Granny Squares!!!

  2. Go Sally - brilliant crocheting ! Its such a brilliant feeling when you achieve something new isn't it ? I bet now that you've started there'll be no stopping you.
    Have a good week, and thank you for dropping by Just Pootling.
    Kate x
