Monday, 6 January 2014

Resolutions one by one

I'm pretty good at making resolutions and pretty good at not keeping them.  This year, I am going to make them as I go on and that way I have time to think about what I want to achieve and how I am going to get there, without the knowledge that I am going to have so many epic fails.

So here I go with my first few resolutions.

1) Learn to crochet - I said this in 2013 but then I started to knit so not too sad that it's added to 2014 instead.

2) Make a photo college each month for my blog.  I want to naturally take more photos and I hope this will encourage me to use the camera more.

3) Declutter every single day.  We need to move in 2014 so this is a biggie.  I am a hoarder - there I said it (hubby be quiet).  I will hoard less this year.

4) Read more of my books and less library books - until I have donated more to the charity shop.

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