Today's weather has been very bleurgh. It was misty when I woke up, misty when I went out, miserly at lunchtime and full on belting it down since about 3pm. Lovely.
I did go into Halifax to meet my Mum and Sister in Law for lunch and that was fun but I disappointedly didn't buy anything I needed. Hmph. The bus is once an hour so I either have ages to wait to get home or I have to leg it for the bus. Today was a leg it kind of day! I made it with 1 minute to spare.
On the bus home, I actually remembered to take some photos of the mist, apologies for the reflection from the bus windows but I didn't think whilst in town to take photos. Can you see the mist down the valley?
Misty valley |
Misty valley |
Misty valley |
On another note, my Grandma taught me to knit many, many years ago. She taught me to cast on /off and to knit and I happily knit squares to knit a blanket. Then I became a teenager and never did anymore. About a year ago I picked up my needles again bought some wool and sat there. How do you cast on again? Then all of a sudden I shut my eyes and heard my Grandma teaching me what to do and I did it. No need to Google it on the internet!!!!! So I have happily knitted a little blanket for a friends baby (it took forever) and put my needles away. As Winter has arrived this year I felt the need to try again. 6 squares later I felt the need to learn more. So tonight, thanks to Google, I finally learnt to purl. My Mum has tried to teach me but it made no sense what so ever. 10 minutes online and I can purl and obviously can do stocking (?) stitch. It's a revelation. Next step is to get my Mum to help me learn how to read a pattern and then I am hoping it will open my eyes to knitting with a purpose. My knitting below, before I dropped all the stitches and pulled it all out. Never mind, I can always do it again.
1st ever knit and purl |
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