I have great plans of things I want/need to do by the end of the year (I love lists) but I am REALLY pathetic at actually getting them finished. So to try and encourage me, here is my current list.
1. Buy a frame for some gorgeous cards that my lovely hubby bought me. I have a plan to frame my favourite 6. It started out with my favourite 3, but then he sent me more so I had to think again and now I need to frame 6 (this may change!). I was thinking of framing 3 together and then putting them above my craft desk when we move. Which are your favourites?
Selection of cards |
2. Sort through all my clothes and bin/charity shop as much as possible so I have a core wardrobe of things I love. Hubby - I may need to buy new clothes to make this happen!
3. Send 5 books per month to the charity shop.
4. Sort through kitchen cupboards and only keep useful stuff!
5. Sort through craft gubbings and donate spare to other crafters - do you want any?
6. Make Birthday rosettes for up and coming birthdays (I need, 1 for a 6 year old and at least 2 for 40 year olds- shush don't tell them).
7. Learn how to crochet - I have learnt some of the basic stitches but I don't know where to put the hook to make the stitches (are they called stitches?)
8. Save £200 to spend in New York (deadline Spring 2014)- this will prove difficult as I a not currently working.
9. Cook/bake one new recipe per week. I love baking but am not a confident cook. I can do basic stuff but then I always forget to season things. (fingers crossed the lamb and sweet potato stew works tomorrow - I don't usually use lamb and have never cooked sweet potato).
10. Try and help Anni become less nervous of people.
11. Sending off a gorgeous photo that my hubby has stitched together to be printed and framed.